Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Does your Company have an Online Profile

Does your Company have an Online Profile Maintaining youronline profile today is a critical element in managing your career. But does your company have a completedonline profile? Recently I was searchingLinkedin for a specific company and although I found the organization, there was no company information, which would not be so bad if there was a link to their website. NO, not there either. And two of the three partnersin this organization did not provide alink within their profiles to thecompanys website! It was not long ago that your entire online focus wasan email address andpossibly a website that was designed, hosted and maintained by someone other than you.Today, there aremillions of people online with profiles onFacebook, Linkedin, VisualCV andTwitter, just to name a few and manywho aremaintaining their own websites and blogs. The resources available to connect or engage in online networkingarefree and easy. But you may be missing out on opportunities because the information in your profileor your companys profile is lacking pertinentdetails. Socialnetworking sitesareresources that have thepotential to connect you to millions of people andgenerate opportunities beyond imagination. It is true that your talentcould have an impacton theopportunities generated but the fact that one YouTube video couldbe viewed by30 million people within 3 days attests to thepower and the influence of social media today! If you have created anonline profile, is it complete? Have you included contact details? If you are associated with a company, do they have a completed online profile? Youve just announced the publication of your new book.Did youincludea link for anyone interested in purchasing it? Are you looking for connections but have your settings setto hide your profileor not to accept introductions? Review all of the information contained inyour online profile,the online profiles of the companies you are associated with, websites, blogs, etc. to ensure the information provided is complete, relevant and accurate. Accessing information that is incomplete or being drawn into something of interest only to find out it is not available leaves a bad first impression.

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